The whole gamut of time management tips

by Mike Clayton  - April 16, 2011

Mike Clayton on Photo Night Live, talking about Time ManagementI thoroughly enjoyed recording my first web TV show, and it went live at 7am UK time yesterday.

You can see it here.

So much to do but so little time

The show was called �So much to do but so little time� and it is on the Photo Night Live website, run by presenter Ross Dean.� Photo Night Live is the UK�s first web TV show about photography, but this edition will certainly appeal to non-photographers.� Ross, and his other guest, Claudia Carter of Carter Imaging, quizzed me on using time effectively � especially for someone who is setting up a new business in their spare time, as Claudia is.

During the show, it felt like we covered the whole gamut of time management tips.� You will hear about:

  • The OATS method for scheduling your day
  • How do deal with To Do lists
  • How to prioritise
  • The impact of hand-held technology
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • And why photographers might like coloured filing systems

Generous with their praise

I was knocked back by how generous Ross and Claudia were with their praise for Brilliant Time Management; it seems it really hit the mark with them both.

Brilliant Time Management - by Claudia Carter I was also tickled by this picture on Claudia�s new website, under the heading �These are a few of my favourite things�.� Click on the thumbnail to see this and all the other pictures on Claudia�s blog.


So much to do but so little time

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